
Unit4 Our earth looks like this from space.教案

unit 4 our earth looks like this from space.
teaching aims:
1. can listen and say new words: interested. excitedly. space museum.
2. can listen, understand and say the text.
important and difficult point
1. understand and say the text.
2. can repeat the text.
teaching aids.
tape, computer.
period 1
teaching procedures:
step 1 warming up
1. greeting.
2. review the words.
step 2  presentation and drill.
1.look at the computer.
3. teach the new words: interested. excitedly. space museum.
4.  drill the new words. interested. excitedly. space museum.

making sentences:
① interested/space/lily/in/is
② to/jane/excitedly/friends/shouted/her
③ family/went/my/the/space museum/to/yesterday
④ woman/about/son/excitedly/the/her/talked
⑤ music/tom/in/david/

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