


1.oh!it is a beautifui picture. i like it very much. thank you.

2.happy birthday, li lei. this present is for you.

3.open it and have a look.

4.come in ,please. oh, mei mei! welcome to my home.

5. may i come in ?

6.thank you .what is in it?


1. liu tao, when are you going?

2.oh, dear! where are my school clothes ? i want to put them on .

3. no, thanks . mum,. i have no time to have breakfast .

i must go to school now .

4. there they are . your school clothes are under the door .

what do you want to eat ?

5. but what day is it today ?

6.liu tao! it’s eight o’clock . you must get up!

7. i’m going to schoo

Unit 1 How tall are you? 教案
新课标六年级英语下册《Unit2 What’s the Matter, Mike? 》第二课时教案
PEP第八册英语 recycle 2 第四课时