
Unit 2 Colour课堂教学实录

unit 2 colour
teaching record (课堂教学实录)
title (课    题): unit2 colour  comic & welcome
period (课   时):period 1
time (执教时间):XX-9
class (执教班级):class 2, grade 9  
school:xichang middle school
teacher (执教老师):zhang guanglin
teaching procedures (教学过程):
step 1 warm up 
t: today we are going to pick up a new lesson, unit 2. in this unit, we will know
about many colours. do you know colours?
ss: yes.
t: how many colours do you know? look, what colour are the walls?
ss: they are white.
t: what colour is the blackboard?
ss: it’s black.
t: good. look at our clothes, what colour is her coat?
s: red.
t: look! what colour are his trousers?
s: they’re blue.
t: if you mix two different colours, you can get another colour. now, listen carefully, what c

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