
高一英语 Unit3 Celebration导学案

高一英语 unit3  celebration导学案
lesson3  grammar
tips:all things in their being are good for something.(天生我材必有用)
learning aim: learn the use of the modal verbs have to /not have to , can/can’t, ought to /ought not to
learning methods: observe----learn-----summarize------use
learning steps:
stepi: underline all the following words in the texts and translate them.
have to , don’t have to, ought to, ought not to, can’t,can
stepii: match the verbs to their meanings.(a级)
1 have to              a) not necessary
2 don’t have to         b) necessary
3 can                 c) not allowed/not possible
4 can’t  &nb 阅读全文
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