
First aid知识点复习教案

英语:unit 5 first aid知识点复习(新人教版必修5)
1. first aid 的意思是“急救”,例如:first aid to the injured 给予伤员的急救。
give/offer aid 援助                come to sb's aid 帮助某人
teaching aids 教具                 medical aid 医疗救护
with the aid of 借助于
get injured 受伤,在现代英语中大量地出现了由“get + 及物动词不达意的过去分词”构成的被动语态,这叫 get - 型被动语态。又如:
the computer got (was)damaged when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候,电脑碰坏了。
my bike is getting (is being)repaired row. 我的自行车正在修理。
2. protect 动词,“保护、维护”,用于句式“protect + 名词 + against/from + 名词”。例如:
e.g. he is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他带着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。
ø        keep... from... 不让 阅读全文
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教学内容:Fact and fantasy
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