
2019届高考英语Unit 2 Healthy eating单元精练复习

XX届高考英语unit 2 healthy eating单元精练复习

1.mary has been on a________(节食) for weeks but still hasn’t lost any weight.
答案: diet
2.he pushed against that big stone with all his________(力气).
答案: strength
3.there is a time________(限制):you must finish it in 30 minutes.
答案: limit
4.the two men in the fight________(怒目而视) at each other.
答案: glared
5.you will________(受益) a lot from morning exercises.
答案: benefit
6.don’t be particular about food.a________(平衡) diet is very important for health.
答案: balanced
7.the letter was not addressed to me but i opened it out of________(好奇).
答案: curiosity
8.we aim to offer good value and service to all our________(顾客).
答案: customers
9.he thought that crying was a sign of________(软弱).
答案: weakness
10.i have________(查阅) a number of law books in the british museums.
答案: consulted

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