
2B Unit3 同步练习

class ______  name ___________  no. _____  mark ____________  听力部分(50%)1.      listen and circle (听音,圈出你听到的字母组、单词或词组)(10%)⑴ lfrkkrlfflrk⑵ ahcbcbahacbh⑶ oqnmoqmnopmn⑷ crgjjgcrcrjg⑸ comecleango⑹ airhairchair⑺ openlookclose⑻ bedbagbig⑼ in the bedon my bedunder the bed⑽ behind the deskbehind the tablebeside the table 2.      listen and circle(听音,圈出你听到的句子)(6%)⑴  a. there is a cat in the park.b. there is a bird in the park.c. there are cats in the park. ⑵  a. this is a door.b. this is a doll.c. this is a dog. ⑶  a. kitty is on the table.b. kitty is under the table.c. kitty is near the table. ⑷  a. please clean the desk.b. clean the desk.c. clean the desk, please. ⑸  a. there i 阅读全文
英语教案-unit 3 shopping