
PEP BOOK3 Unit 1 My Classroom(六)

1.teaching aids
a tape-recorder 
2.teaching aims
review the last unit.
check the knowledge they have learned in this unit.
3.teaching steps
(1)greet to each other. and talk about the date and the weather.
a: the teacher let some ones to write the letters on the board and check their homework.
b: divide the students in to several groups. talk about the pictures they’ve painted. then choose 2 or 3 groups to describe their ideal classroom.
c: each of the groups can make up a dialogue by using the pictures on the textbook and the bag and the ball that the teacher gives them. then choose 4 groups to act. listen to the tape and practice it in groups.
ask some one what is the main idea of the story and let him show the main idea to the students in chinese. then read the story together. let 阅读全文
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