
6A Unit 4-6单元作文

unit 4weekend shopping 1. i want to buy these sunglasses. because i like them. i want to buy these jeans. because they are cool. i want to buy those gloves. because they’re very cheap.
2. i like going shopping. i want to buy a cd for my sister. because my sister likes music very much. then, i want to buy these gloves. because my mom’s gloves are old. oh, i have no money. i will go home now.
   unit 5 (注:要用过去时写)
1. once i had a problem. my bike was broken. i was very worried. so i asked mom for advice. she said:” you should tell your father. he can help you.” then, i told my father. i was so happy because my father fix it.
2. once i had a problem. i had a headache. so i didn’t do homework. i was very worried. i asked my friend for some advice. she sai

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