
Unit 12 Do you have a ticket?

unit 12  do you have a ticket?
teaching aims
be able to grasp the vocabulary: doll, ship, computer game, car, kite
teaching keys and difficulties:
grasp the sentence patterns: my favorite toy is …
teaching aids:
tape recorder, pictures
teaching method:
language communicative method
teaching procedures:
step1. warmer
1.greetings and sing the abc song.
2.step2. listen and point
1. listen to the tape and ask the ss what same likes/doesn’t like. repeat for the other children.
2. teach the new words practice in some ways.
step3. point and say
1. make a dialogue with a student.
t: my favorite toy is doll.
s: my favorite toy is car.
2. get the ss work in pairs.
have some pairs act in the front.
step4. activity book
1.listen, read and write “t’ or “f”
2.now talk about it.
t makes a dialogue with a student.
t: my

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