
Unit 5 Popular Pets

unit 5 popular pets
lesson 3
1. anything   pron. 任何事物
2. exciting   adj. 使人激动的
3. sound   v. 听起来;发出声音
4. song    n. 歌曲
5. frown   v. 皱眉
6. singer  n. 歌手
1. anything    
pron. any object, occurrence, or matter whatever. 任何东西,任何情况,任何事情
is there anything in that box? 在那盒子里有什么东西吗?
he will do anything for a rich life.为了过上富裕的日子他什么都愿意干。
it isn’t anything like as hot as it was yesterday. 今天完全不像昨天那么热。
anything but: by no means; not at all: 根本不;绝不:
i was anything but happy about going. 我根本不喜欢去。
2. exciting    
adj. creating or producing excitement: 兴奋的或令人兴奋的:
“it was an exciting hunt, but the fox escaped.”
an exciting trip 一次令人兴奋的旅行    
3. sound&

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