第六课时 泛读课
第一步 作业检查
第二步 阅读训练(一)“heroic teenager receives award”
1. before reading, ask students what they will do when they find someone is badly hurt by a robber in the street. and list their answers on the blackboard.
2. tell students that the reading passage is in the form of a newspaper article, people can get a quick idea just from reading the the headline and the first paragraph.the headline gives readers a clue about the content and the first paragraph gives information that answers the questions who? when? where? what? why? and how?
ask students to read the headline and the first paragraph to find the main information:
who? (teenager john janson)
what? (honored at the lifesaver awards)
when? (last night)
why? (carrying out first aid on a neighbour after a knife attack)